The Czech Capital Prague

Autor: Kamča Nová | 14.9.2010 20:00 | 2 komentářů | Přečteno: 2498 krát

The capital city of the Czech Republic, the seat of President, government, parliament 
lies on the Vltava river in central Bohemia, has 1.2 million inhabitans 
some important districts: the Old Town, The Lesser Town, the New Town, Josefov, Hradčany, Vyšehrad 

a legend about Princess Libuše of Přemyslid dynasty - she prophesied the future glory of Prague which "would touch the stars" 
9th century - Prince Bořivoj founded Prague Castle, the seat of Přemyslid dynasty 
10th century - 2nd castle - Vyšehrad 
the age of Charles IV. - Prague grew and flourished - Archbishopric (1344), Charles University (1348), the New Town, the Charles Bridge (1357), St. Vitus Cathedral 15th - the Hussite movement 
16th/17th century - reign of Rudolph II. - Prague regained cosmopolitan character 
November 8, 1620 - the Battle of the White Mountain (Star Summer Palace) 
1621 - execution of 27 representatives of the uprising national revival - Czech scholars and writers 1918 - the capital of new independent Czechoslovak Republic 
occupation, assassination of Nazi deputy Rheinard Heydrich, Prague Uprising, Prague Spring, Velvet Revolution 

Sights and important places 
Prague Castle - the seat of the President; Gothic Vladislav Hall (elections of president), Spanish Hall, Rudolph Gallery 
St. Vitus Cathedral - completed in 1929 (1000 years after foundation the 1st church on this site), founded by 
Charles IV.; Matthias of Arras and Petr Parléř; St. Wenceslas Chapel - semiprecious stones, coronation chamber with coronation jewels (St. Wenceslas crown, the sceptre and the orb), Royal crypt 
Convent of St. George (993) - Gothic to Baroque collection of National Gallery; convent church - Basilica of St. George - preserved relict of Romanesque architecture Royal Summer Palace Belveder - pure example of Renaissance, the Singing fountain 
Golden Lane - from 16th century - craftsmen 
Schwarzenberg Palace (Knížák), Archbishop's Palace (18th century rococo facade), Sternberg Palace (17th century, the seat of National Gallery), Černín Palace (17th century Italian architecture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ), Loretto complex (carillon in the steeple) 
Strahov Monastery (founded in 12th cent., Museum of Czech Literature), Petřín Observation Tower (Jubilee Exhibition 1891) 
Lesser Town: St. Nicholas Church (Dientzenhofer, Lurago), Charles Bridge 
Old Town Square - At the Stone Bell, Kisnký Palace (Rococo), Old Town Hall, Týn church, John Huss Monument; Bethlehem Chapel 
Royal Route - Vyšehrad => Celetná and Karlova Street => Charles Bridge => Castle 
Paris Street, Jewish Town, Celetná St., Powder Tower, Na příkopě St. 
Wenceslas Square - National Museum, St. Wenceslas Memorial Vyšehrad, Rotunda of St. Martin, Slavín Cemetery

Hodnocení: 2.7/5 (32 hlasů)

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